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12 results

  • , bearing 1967 .A labanta lleense 63~3490, VIN·- Y253177624. · Lice,n.s e for this vehicle obtain:e"d by · · MELVIN ·SEXTON 9 Imperial Kligrap1i; This vehicle is equipped wit"b a monttor radio . capable of monitoring all _poltce fr,eque:n ctes and telephon-e
  • was preseµt at the headquarters building of.. the NSWJ?P on Movembe1· 3, .1966. He was eng2ged in a telephonic conversation with GF.ORGE LINCOJ;N ROCK'rTELL, Commander of the NSWPP ·1n Arlington, Virginia. · VIDNJEVICI-l w~s heard to say :that he had just
  • , telephone directory lists J.B. STONER, Attorney, Marion Building, with telephone number 724-0752. the NSRP. This directory lists the same telephone number for The September, . 1966, · issue of'The ·Thunderbolt", self~ described as "the official White
  • . 14. Infiltrate local organizations such as gun clubs, civic clubs, etc. and gain voting control if possible. 15. Harass meetings of opposition. 16. Picket and give out literature in front of churches of left-·wing ministers. 17. Obtain a telephone
  • . measures," ad~ising members telephone codes _ahead of time why t~ey were doing it." most selectiv in their memberf ll thee . . around the contamers. Tl:ey first umt as well as the prmc1pal orgamzation entitled On Target' These mclude a letter signed to "use
  • ~e.r . _ o b · e .t i :e.& / This terrorism runs t e gamu rom telephoned threats or intimidatory oross-burning to various forms of physical violEance. Kla!½? ~ ovement 1.n kidnappings an beatinss, arso?\.& l bombin s~ and out'rlgnt '"murder
  • November 18, 1991 MEMO FOR THE FILE From: Re: Claudia Anderson, Archivist Processing Note In his book, Douglas MacArthur: The Far Eastern General, Michael Schaller attributed this report to Robert Sherrod. In a phone conversation, November 18
  • ." - is · - • • ~ . • '~ 1., ,jT• : • (, In virtually every conversation, strong feelings about •, ,• I I, tl police-conununity relations were registered. But there was also [ an undertone of desire to improve such relations: "The police brutalize the Negro. Many
  • (Confidential} 12-21-65 A Memorandum of Conversation: Indian Foo Situation and Agricultural Program;' Inda -Pakistan Relations· (Confidenti 1)12 - 22-65 A FILE LOCATION Legislative Background, Food for India 1966: Box 1 "Food for India, 11/11/65 to 3/.21
  • . at. thei1" apartment but she was neven: prese:p.t dm~ing any conversations involving her husband and thes.e visi.tbrs.. She ·advis.ed she has miet DOM IitffEEl';W.M and that · F1l1EEi14A:M a.nd. WARAB h .a ve been . fr:ten.ds for a long time .s • She stated